Tuesday, 21 June 2016

PRIVATE FINANCE Not repay the Principal amount not the ROI as its non-refundabl !!!!!!. -chennai 7299870518


PRIVATE FINANCE Not repay the Principal amount not the ROI as its non-refundabl !!!!!!. -

Please find below documents require for Land trading, now Agriculture land is also applicable in this process, NA land, Residential, Commercial

1) Latest search report (not more than 2 months old)

2) Latest valuation report market

3) Property card, 6/12, 7/12

4) Purchase deed copy

5) Project Report (if applicable)

Please find below process followed

1) Initially we need to submit 2 papers latest search report and valuation report market. Property value should be 180cr above for this process to be applicable. Agriculture and NA both considered.

2) In 10 days if all property pap rs which we submitted are clear then 1st level meeting will be arranged with owner and pvt financer who will finance on our behalf to start the process and an MOU will signed after terms and condition are agreed. Original property will kept as security for 2 to 4 days with pvt financer for solicitor review to check document authenticity as it involves huge costing from our side in this process.

3) After 1st level MOU is signed, within 30 days final meeting will be held in  bank brach and an agreement will be signed between parties and original propery papers will be submitted to bank during agreement process after which 60 to 70% amt of property valuation will be RTGS in owner account

5) This is not a loan but a share of profit for the property owner. Hence, the entire amount is non-refundable and owner do not have to repay the Principal amount nor the ROI as its non-refundable.

6) During this entire process from approval until disbursement no upfront fees will be taken from the owner.


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